DETAILED plans to change the face of the heart of Eastleigh have been unveiled in one of the biggest brownfield redevelopments in the south.

Barratt Homes is due to take control of part of the huge Pirelli General factory site in Leigh Road today.

The housing giant has lodged detailed plans for 304 three- and four-bedroom houses, 361 one- and two-bedroom apartments and 7,432 square metres of office development.

It will bring in at least 2,000 newcomers and 340 white collar workers, giving a huge boost to the economic lifeblood of the town centre.

Next week Barratt will be making the land secure, putting in an effective division between the building land and the remaining Pirelli area and moving in plant and machinery.

Plans for creating a 21st century community within Eastleigh town centre have taken nine months to evolve.

Barratt says the development presents a major opportunity to satisfy the borough's housing needs.

It will include a wide variety, type and mix of housing across the spectrum to include apartments plus two-, three- and four-bedroom houses.

"The proposed housing is both private and affordable. In total 133 affordable units are included in the scheme," say the developers.

The siting, scale and bulk of the proposed office buildings are not included in the detailed design, but Barratt says its scheme is aimed at integrating and complementing existing homes.

"Special attention has been given to the Leigh Road frontage because, on the one hand, there is a requirement to achieve an appropriate commercial frontage to enhance the entrance to Eastleigh town,'' Barratt adds.

"But on the other hand the detailed design must be sensitive enough to protect the amenity and privacy of those residents living on the northern side of the road."

A fundamental concept of the scheme has been to achieve pedestrian and cycle priority using "home zones" with narrower streets to discourage use of the private car.

Opportunities for corner shops, a surgery, a dentist or crche have also been included in the scheme.

An open area of .75 hectares will provide a centre piece designed for both play and less formal recreational uses, while the developers will also be making a cash grant to improve facilities at Grantham Green, Fleming Park and the Leigh Road Recreation Ground.

A public exhibition showing the proposals is planned for display in Eastleigh's Swan covered shopping centre from January 2 to 5.

An Eastleigh Council spokesman said: "A public meeting will also be arranged in the new year prior to any decision on the application being taken by the special joint committee set up by the council to deal with planning matters for the Pirelli site."