PLENTY of ideas but no agreement came out of the first public "brainstorming"session on how to run the planned New Forest National Park.

The meeting in Hythe Parish Hall was designed to gather local views on the make-up and powers of the proposed park authority. But while some argued that park status could be the only way of saving the commoning way of life, others were still convinced the whole park plan was a waste of time and money.

Nearly 40 people - a large proportion of them councillors - attended the meeting organised by the four parish councils on the Waterside.

Many expressed disappointment that the Countryside Agency - who will put the ultimate park plan together - had not supplied a spokesman.

"There is no point having the meeting without someone to answer questions," said Eve Brooks of Holbury.

But Terry Gibson, the independent consultant who guided the meeting, said its "brainstorming workshop" style had been chosen deliberately to encourage people to contribute their own ideas.

He said: "This is the first meeting of its type and it has been a bit of a gamble but I am pleased with the result."

"The Countryside Agency wants to know local views on the membership of the park authority, how you see the land and the visitors being managed, and how everyone will work together.

"You say what should be done. It's your meeting and you say what you want the authority to do."

A forest of Post-It notes developed on the walls of the hall recording people's views. Their concerns included: ponies taking priority over traffic, the park would bring funds that would halt the decline of commoning, cars should be restricted and some roads made over just to cyclists and walkers.