David Porter has been appointed England captain for the Boys Home Internationals at Moortown, Leeds, to be played August 7-9.

Although only 18, the Stoneham club golfer is a seasoned international, having played for various England boys' teams, home and abroad, since 1997.

Porter first donned an England shirt in the annual Under-16 international with Italy at Radcliffe-on-Trent four years ago. He earned his first boys cap in the European Boys Team Champion-ships the following year, then played his first Boys Home Inter-nationals at Gullane a month later.

Successes came thick and fast for Porter in 1999. He helped England retain the World Junior Team Championship in Japan, win the European Boys title in Sweden as well as the Home Internationals at Conwy.

Individually, he won the Carris Trophy at High Post and was also a member of the victorious Great Britain and Ireland Jacques Leglise Trophy side at Burnham and Berrow.

Porter played in the same teams in 2000, and this year has again played in the World Junior Team Championships, once more in Japan, and is a member of the England side currently competing in the European Boys Team Championships in Poland.

In May, Porter finished third in the English Men's Open Amateur Strokeplay Championship for the Brabazon Trophy at Royal Birkdale and won The George Henriques Salver, awarded for the best performance by a player from Great Britain and Ireland aged under 20.

Porter said, "It has been a wonderful experience to represent my country at international level, but to be asked to captain the side is a great honour which I am thoroughly looking forward to."