SOUTHAMPTON-based Meachers is celebrating double success at the recent Transport Management Awards.

Managing director Bob Terris was presented with a lifetime achievement award for his "outstanding contribution to the transport industry" and the firm was named UK Distribution Company of the Year for the third time in four years.

The institute short-listed four nominees for the award based on its assessment of UK haulage companies under the attributes of growth and achievement; service; innovation and quality of management.

At the end of this process each company was extensively researched to ascertain how they were perceived within the British transport industry.

These findings, together with a detailed corporate report on each company, formed the basis of the final selection.

Mr Terris' long-term service in transport was also recognised by the institute.

During his 40 years in the industry, Mr Terris has held a number of senior positions within the Road Haulage Association (RHA), including vice chairman of the Southern and Eastern Region of the RHA from 1996 to 1998, chairman from1998 to 2000 and was also chairman of the RHA Hampshire region for many years.

As chairman of the southern area joint industrial council, a position he held for 15 years, Mr Terris acted as liaison between the management and the dock-workers during the docks disputes in the early 1980's.

It was his involvement in this dispute that ignited his particular interest in industrial relations. Since then he has participated in many committees and working parties, in particular as a member of the RHA Employment Affairs Committee.

He is currently a member of working parties for the RHA and Pall-Ex studying the Working Time Directive and it's effects on the transport industry.

Mr Terris said: "To receive two awards from the Institute of Transport Management is particularly gratifying and underlines both the Meachers Group and my own commitment to customers and the industry. The group continues to expand through its ability to provide a complete logistics solution encompassing transport, warehousing, freight forwarding and truck sales".