TWO Army physical training instructors from Hampshire are to test their own fitness by cycling across desert and mountain in aid of victims of sporting accidents.

Private Martin Payne, 23, and Sgt Paul Harrison, 30, from the Royal Defence Medical College in Gosport, are being sponsored to cycle through Egypt from the pyramids across the desert to the Red Sea and climbing the historic Mount Sinai on the way.

They hope to complete the gruelling adventure to raise funds for the charity Regain that supports people who have become severely paralysed by sports injuries.

The Egypt Bike Ride takes place from November 17-25. The money will go towards buying equipment such as wheelchairs and adapted computers for people who have broken their back to give them the chance to lead more of an independent life.

The pair need to cover between 30 and 80 miles each day for five days on varied terrain and are training intensively.

Mr Harrison said: "This will be a tough ordeal. As physical training instructors we are very aware of the dangers associated with sports.

"This is a way of raising funds for a charity close to our hearts that, in turn, will benefit service personnel as well as civilians that have been severely paralysed.

"In addition, this is a wonderful experience for us and we will give it our all.''

The pair need to raise a minimum of £5,000 for Regain and are appealing for help from individuals and companies for help.

To pledge support, post donations - made payable to Regain - to The Gymnasium, Fort Blockhouse, Haslar Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 2AB.