NO SACRIFICE is too much to raise funds for the cardiac unit which saved his life - according to Callum McCormack.

But having his head shaved in aid of Wessex Heartbeat doesn't count as a terrible penance for the youngster from Hounsdown near Totton.

He thinks his new look is "really cool", and besides, his mum, Lisa, has been shorn of her crowning glory for the charity, too.

Callum spent most of his first 18 months in Southampton General Hospital after being born with a wide range of health problems - including a hole in the heart.

He was on the operating table just seven hours after his birth and more operations are likely for the brave eight-year-old.

"Heartbeat has done so much for Callum, and given us so much support over the years. " said Lisa.

"A bit of hair is not that much to give up for them and I quite like my trendy look - it saves on shampoo.

"And Callum certainly approves. He gave me a thumbs-up sign as soon as he saw me, and demanded to have his head shaved too.

"We hope our bald bonces will encourage lots of people to send money to fund Heartbeat's vital research," she said.

Wessex Heartbeat spokesman Peter Wickham said: "We're so grateful for the support of wonderful people like the McCormacks. It's so touching it almost makes you cry.

"The children's cardiac unit is undergoing complete refurbishment at a cost of £1.2m - all funded by Wessex Heartbeat. We plan to have a get-together to thank all our fundraisers after the unit is complete in August."

Ring 023 8079 6679 to donate money to Wessex Heartbeat for the McCormack fundraiser.