News and results from the Hampshire region.

FORD SPORTS SAC: Keith Warner from Totton romped to victory during the latest shore competition held at Hill Head where he used a whole squid fish in just a couple feet of water to tempt a 9lb 7oz bass. John Marshall was the runner-up with a 6lb 1.50oz smoothhound followed by his son Jon Marshall with 2lb 2oz and then Pete Straing with 1lb 12oz.

SHIRLEY SAC: The Hengistbury Head section was the setting for the latest shore competition where 23 of the 29 competitors returned 101 fish weighing 61lb 2oz to the scales, the catch consisted of pout, wrasse, sole, dogfish and silver eels, the heaviest fish was a 4lb 2oz wrasse bagged by Wayne Bulley. Richard Patterson won the event with a 20 fish haul weighing 14lb 8oz ahead of Wayne Bulley 9lb 14oz, Michael Teague 7lb 12oz, Robert Patterson 4lb 5oz and Michael Winstanley 3lb 4.50oz. The junior section was won by Stuart Patterson with five fish for 2lb 14oz followed by Georgina Mundy with 11oz.

LYMINGTON & DISTRICT SFC: A small boat fixture held in the western Solent during bright calm day produced some reasonable action with Bob Miness winning the event with a stingray, five ballan wrasse and a brace of black bream worth 20 points. Chris Tsouli was the runner-up with a nice stingray followed by Pam Ansell who also bagged a quality stingray to beat her better half, Brian Ansell who finished in fourth position with a bass along with Phil Morgan who landed four black bream and a ballan wrasse followed by Terry Smith in fifth position.

ESSO SAC: Kimmeridge was the setting for the latest shore competition where 18 members caught 91 ballan wrasse and a solitary cuckoo wrasse together totalling 81lb 2.75oz, all the fish were weighed and returned on the beach. Geoff Wheeler ran out a convincing winner with 14lb 1oz ahead of Steve Pitman 9lb 11oz, Steve Hurst 8lb 6.50oz, Ian Rowland 8lb 4.25oz and Maurice Young 6lb 15.50oz. The heaviest fish weighing 4lb 3oz was bagged by Ian Rowland while his brother Alan Rowland bagged one of 3lb 8oz. The junior section was won by Dan Yeates with 3lb 10oz followed by Kayleigh Wheeler 2lb 15.50oz, Sian Rowland 1lb 8oz and Gary Yeates 9oz.

LONIS AC: Smoothhound, bass, sole, pout and black bream dominated during a shore competition held along the Milford Shingle bank where Barry Copper came out on top with a 4lb 5.50oz smoothhound. Tony Perkins was the runner-up with a bass and a good sole together weighing 4lb 5oz followed by Tony Chambers 11.50oz, Richard Bird 11.25oz, Brandon Archer 8.75oz and Steve Saunders 8oz.

CHRISTCHURCH & DISTRICT FC: Sole, pout and silver eels were the quarry during a shore fixture held along the Milford Shingle bank where Brian Dartnell was the top performer with 3lb 2oz ahead of Dennis Holton and Ron Hall with 1lb 9.50oz & 9ox respectively.