It was fun down on the farm for these children who made the most of the summer fair at the KIDS centre in Fareham.

The charity that supports disabled children and their families in Hampshire staged this year's event with a farmyard theme.

Even the side shows had a farming twist as dozens of children enjoyed pinning the tail on the piglet, making pig-shaped biscuits and even throwing fake cow pats!

A farmyard fancy dress competition provided the Mayor of Fareham, councillor Arthur Mandry, with the tough choice of picking a winner but in the end all the children received a prize for their efforts.

Organisers hope the event at the Salterns Lane centre will raise more than £1,000 for the charity that provides much-needed respite care and pre-school education for disabled children in the county.

Centre manager Marion Runalls said she was delighted with the number of people at the event.

She said: "All the organisation that goes into our fairs is a real team effort and it is just so good to see everyone enjoying themselves, it's been a great success."