IT'S BEEN 80 years since the first carnival hit the streets of Hedge End. And at the weekend there were no signs of residents' enthusiasm waning for the popular party parade.

Saturday's grand procession marked the end of a week of fun-packed events aimed at proving the expanding town can still boast all that's best in village spirit.

Hundreds of revellers turned out to take part in the event, either as participants or simply as onlookers eager to soak up the fun.

Some of the brightest floats to be seen around Hampshire's carnivals were to be found lining up in the St John's Road recreation ground.Young members of the Allen Road Pre-school pulled out all the stops with their green-themed Bottom of the Garden float. Meanwhile, Berrywood Primary School pupils and staff brought a touch of musical magic to proceedings with their colourful Wizard of Oz attraction.

Crazy characters from aliens to farmers took to the streets to make their way to Upper Northam Road.

And there the fun kept going, thanks to a host of stalls and fairground attractions, designed to amuse all the family.