BASINGSTOKE police officers have moved lock, stock and barrel into their rebuilt headquarters close to the town centre.

Their two-year stay on three floors of City Wall House in Basing View came to an end with the completion of the £3.5 million project to rebuild the London Road headquarters after it was found to be riddled with deadly asbestos.

Files, video and audio tapes and every kind of office equipment was packed up ready for the big move which took place over the weekend.

Inspector Geoff Scrutton said the removal men did not transport firearms or anything else which was deemed to be of a sensitive nature.

He said: "I think everybody has been looking forward to moving out. We are fed up with living out of boxes.

"It has been difficult working from temporary accommodation. We are glad to have the custody centre back in Basingstoke because it has been a big drain on time for everybody, including witnesses, having to trail to Farnborough or Aldershot."

The inspector said the new offices were fitted for the computer age and were likely to be well-received.

He said the public would notice that there was CCTV in the reception area and that the lost-and-found property section had been moved there from the back of the building.

See Friday's Gazette for a report and more pictures on the new-look police HQ.