A SOUTHAMPTON licensee has helped to raise hundreds of pounds for a Hampshire kidney charity after the tragic death of her sister.

Gloria Homer, who runs the Pensioners Arms in Carlton Place, made the Rocky Appeal the pub's charity for 2000 after her sister died on Christmas Day last year, from kidney failure.

The pub held a series of light-hearted events ending in a silk tie and knickers auction last month.

Gloria explained: "We were clearing out our house and my husband Chris said he was going to throw away about 50 ties.

"They were far too nice for that and we did this auction as a result. We got £75 for one pair of knickers.''

Gloria and well-known after-dinner speaker Denis Bundy, who uses the Pensioners as his local, presented a cheque for £1,000 to Mick Lyons, co-ordinator of the Rocky Appeal which is officially known as the Portsmouth NHS Kidney Unit Appeal.

The appeal is to raise £1.5 million for a new unit to help 100 patients with dialysis every day. It is about £300,000 short of its target, following donations from a variety of sources, and building work has already begun.

John Churchill, who had a kidney transplant seven years ago, was also present with Gloria's nephew, Brian.