TOTTON planners have forecast a welcome reduction in the number of lorries delivering goods to a pet shop in the town centre.

Creature Comforts of Ringwood Road has applied for planning permission to build a ground-floor extension and a new storage area.

The scheme was backed by members of the town council's planning and transport advisory committee.

In a letter to the committee, Councillor Edith Randall complained that lorries delivering to Creature Comforts often blocked the westbound carriageway of Ringwood Road.

But Councillor Steve Shepherd said the shop's expansion plan would make life easier for motorists.

He said: "The owner recognises the problems caused by the lorries and says the proposed increase in storage capacity will lead to fewer deliveries."

Councillor Neal Scott said motorists would be pleased to see a reduction in the number of heavy goods vehicles stopping outside the shop.

The application was also supported by committee chairman George Dart, who said the town council valued small businesses.

But councillors stressed that the proposed extensions should not be used to increase the sales area, saying such a move would recreate a shortage of storage space.

The application will be determined by New Forest District Council.