ANGRY passengers get the chance to vent their frustration on bus operators face to face at a groundbreaking surgery in Southampton.

Bosses from First Southampton and Solent Blue Line, which have both axed services, will be on hand to discuss problems.

It comes as hundreds of people have flooded a "bus hotline" set up by Southampton Itchen MP John Denham with complaints about unreliable buses.

The surgery, organised by the National Federation of Bus Users (NFBU), is the first of its kind in Southampton.

Customers have the chance to air their views directly to the companies' managers next Saturda, on a First Southampton bus parked at the Bargate between 10am and 3pm.

NFBU chairman Caroline Cahm said: "When we heard about the problems with the bus service in Southampton, we wanted to hold a surgery.

"They have been held all over the country but this will be the first time in Southampton.

"We have a lot of sympathy with the operators because they simply cannot deliver.

"It is not a question of incompetence but that there is too much traffic on the roads."

First Southampton area director Archie Parsons said: "We are delighted to be working alongside the NFBU and giving Southamp-ton bus users the opportunity to discuss issues with us face to face.

"This initiative is a welcome addition to the community action group meetings and we hope to receive valuable feedback and comments."

Mr Denham is now asking everyone who contacted him about the buses to identify their priorities for service improvements.

He said: "There is clearly still dissatisfaction with local bus services and with First Bus in particular.

"But complaining is not enough. I want passengers to help identify the key routes which need to be tackled."

He said he would be seeking a meeting with bus operators once the survey had been completed.

The Daily Echo's Bus Watch campaign - launched to highlight the plight of passengers since the network changes - has also been instrumental in putting pressure on bus firms to improve services.