HOTSHOT Olympian Richard Faulds from Longparish has picked up another coveted award without even having to pull the trigger of one of his shotguns.

The 23-year-old, who beat many of the world's top sharpshooters to take a gold medal at the Sydney Olympics, has now been honoured in the New Year Honours list.

His MBE has been awarded for 'services to competitive shooting' and rounds off a magnificent year for the local hero who won the first of Britain's 11 gold medals at the games.

"I'm absolutely delighted with the news," he said. "After I won the gold medal a number of people said I might be nominated so there was a bit of a suspicion that I would receive an MBE.

"I was informed officially a few weeks ago but it was something that I had to keep secret - although my parents knew."

Since the announcement was made Richard says local reaction to the news of his MBE has been 'super' with many people contacting him to offer their congratulations.

Richard took the double trap medal at the games and has now set his sights on repeating the performance at the 2004 games in Athens.

To maintain his high standard he will need to train several times each week.

Even though he is Olympic champion he must earn his place at the next games by winning one of the 18 quota places at a qualifications event. "I haven't done any training since Sydney but I will need to start again shortly in time for the world championship in Cairo later this year," said the Olym-pian.

"It is the only event this year when a quota place for the Athens Olympics is available.

"So winning it would take the pressure off."