A WHITCHURCH traffic Pc has had an emotional reunion with the Liverpool policeman who encouraged him to fulfil his childhood dream of becoming a police officer.

Pc John Apter, originally from Merseyside, developed a fascination with the police force as a toddler - and joined up when he was just six years old.

He was encouraged by policeman Dave Walker, who became a big influence in John's life. But over the years they lost touch.

Now, due to some determined detective work, John has traced his friend to Sussex where he works as a schools liaison officer.

The two had a happy reunion and together attended a farewell event for a former colleague of David, Paul Derham, who also befriended the 'boy policeman' 20 years ago.

It all started when John, aged six, applied for a job in the police and was given an interview.

The force was so impressed it made him an honorary member of the Merseyside police.

He soon became the most celebrated member of staff, appearing in the media on many occasions out on the beat in his own miniature uniform. He was 'promoted' twice and became an honorary inspector.

John said: "It was my fantasy, and the Merseyside police, particularly David, played along with it all. "I was in my element when they came to pick me up from school, my school friends were so envious.

"Even the schoolteachers approved of my involvement. They knew one day I would become a policeman."

But as time passed David was transferred to another force and the two friends lost touch.

At 18 John became a special constable and applied to become a full-time officer. Eight years ago, he joined the Hampshire Constabulary and was posted to Lymington.

He then served in Southampton before joining Whitchurch traffic department a year ago, covering an area along the M3 up to the Surrey border, and the roads in and around Andover, Whitchurch and Overton.

John, now married with a two-year-old son, has received a commendation for saving a woman's life with some prompt first aid at a house fire.

David Walker said: "I am flattered that John went to so much trouble to track me down to Sussex.

"I was pleased to hear from him and delighted that he had become a policeman.

"There's no way we will lose contact now."