HOPES for a credit union in Winchester to help alleviate the misery of debt rest on a meeting this month.

A seminar is being held on January 22. It's hoped a steering group of about 10 to 15 committed people will emerge from it.

Unless that corps of volunteers comes forward the scheme may be a non-starter, said Teresa Kennard, a project officer at the council.

"If no-one wants to take part that will be a pretty good indication that no-one will want to run it.

"Lots of people say they want to use the union but not so many want to set it up or run it.''

Initial efforts to find volunteers to run the union have so far been fruitless. "It would be a great shame if it died a death,'' said Ms Kennard.

The feasibility study last year by the council said a CU, a locally-owned financial co-operative, was viable and would help people by giving them access to cheap loans.