SOUTHAMPTON MP John Denham has praised city doctors for meeting the first-ever national flu vaccination target in just two months.

Last May, the government set a minimum uptake target of 60 per cent for GPs when it announced that anyone aged 65 or over would be offered the free flu vaccine for the first time.

Newly-released figures show that Southampton and South West Health Authority achieved 67 per cent - which compares to a national average of 61 per cent.

Mr Denham, who is Southampton Itchen MP and health minister, said: "These figures demonstrate the very real progress being made this winter. I would like to pay tribute to all the GPs, practice nurses and others who have worked so hard to achieve this target. And I would also like to thank all those who came forward to have their free flu jab.

"Southampton and SW Hants Health Authority exceeded the target set of 60 per cent and came in the top five of all health authorities across the country with an up- take of 67 per cent."

He added: "I know there was scepticism as to whether this target could be achieved and concerns about flu vaccination supply. By protecting millions of elderly people, as well as other at-risk groups, from what can be a killer disease, the NHS is demonstrating that it is better prepared for winter than ever before."