CALLS for a more efficient clean up service to sweep into Hiltingbury and Chandler's Ford have been made to Eastleigh Borough Council chiefs.

Local councillor John Caldwell has submitted a motion to the council's local area committee, urging it to improve its leaf clearance service.

Mr Caldwell is asking for the council "to be more responsive to the needs for the clearance of leaves in the Hiltingbury and Chandler's Ford area from next autumn".

A package of measures has been suggested to upgrade the current service, including an earlier start, adding additional sweeps to keep pavements and gutters clear and ploughing more resources into the overall operation.

The plea comes after Mr Caldwell was approached by a number of residents dissatisfied with how the current leaf clearance operation coped with the recent storms.

Mr Caldwell told the Daily Echo: "I seem to have had more complaints than usual. I appreciate that the weather has been somewhat atrocious but it seems to have been left until all the leaves are down before the operation started.

"I am looking for a bit more flexibility on the part of the council.

"I do believe frontline services - which I consider this to be - are very important."

The motion will be heard at the next meeting of the Chandler's Ford and Hiltingbury local area committee, on Wednesday, at 7pm in the Dovetail Centre, Winchester Road.