THE PROBLEMS of drugs, vandalism and sexual offences in public toilets will force evening and permanent closure of facilities in Gosport.

The council already closed two of its 24 public toilets after continual vandalism and health risks from discarded needles made them unusable.

As reported in the Daily Echo, cleaning staff have also faced verbal abuse and threats of violence when they interrupt troublemakers in the toilet blocks.

Now a report to the council's health and leisure committee is recommending that three more public conveniences shut permanently and most of the rest be closed overnight.

Under the plans only the facility at the bus station would remain open 24 hours a day throughout the year.

Council leader Peter Edgar said local authorities across the country had faced similar problems, with 25 per cent of public loos nationwide closing since 1997 because of increasing maintenance costs due to vandalism.

He said: "At certain times they are really not safe places for the general public to use.

"Everything we have done and recommended so far has been done in full consultation with the police who have to deal with these problems."

He said it was regrettable that some toilets would have to close permanently or overnight as the majority of people using them were causing no problems.

But he added that the cost to taxpayers of maintaining the toilets was high because of vandalism.

"We have just spent £17,000 on up-grading the toilets at the ferry which the council believe has to be kept as 24-hour and there are already considerable problems there with graffiti and damage to brand new paintwork."

The report estimates that through the changes the council will save at least £8,000 and this sum could go up because of reduced vandalism. The committee is set to make a decision on the proposals when it meets next Monday.