PETER KEMP'S New Year wish is that Hampshire change their Middleton Cup selection methods.

The county manager wants to end the present set-up of four divisionalrepresentatives, who assist him in choosing the side, and replace them with a panel that has more impartial views on team selection.

Kemp, approaching his ninth season as Middleton Cup supremo, has become increasingly aware that, under the present system, his divisional aides are favouring bowlers from their own areas rather than looking at the county as a whole.

He believes it is in the best interests of the county that a more impartial view is needed in the selection process.

In order to investigate his ideas, and look into other ways of team selection, Hampshire have created a five-man committee.

The best known name sitting on it is Peter Line who has made more Middleton Cup appearances for Hampshire than anyone else.

His first two campaigns as Hampshire's Liberty Trophy boss saw them narrowly lose one final and then convincingly gain a revenge win over Durham the following year.

He teams up with another former Middleton Cup regular in Ken Marsh (Banister Park), Eddie Walters (Pirelli General), county treasurer and former county president Bill Sammons (Alton) and new Hampshire president Tony Hutley (Moordown, Bournemouth).

Kemp said: "I think the county, not the divisions, ought to appoint selectors as their responsibility is to the county and not to the divisions.

"Someone said to me that the squad contains more bowlers from the western area than the east but where a bowler comes from makes no difference to me - I am looking to field the best possible side for Hampshire.

"Last season when a player was dropped, I asked the divisional men who they thought should replace him and they all came up with someone different - each of the candidates from their own area.

"That is not being disrespectful to any of the selectors because I admit it is not unnatural for people to favour bowlers from their own areas since obviously they see more of them, but I am anxious to get away from this 'quarterised' situation in the county.

"What we need are unbiased men who will scour the entire county - not just their own district.

"It may not be easy to find them as it will involve people travelling a lot and giving up much of their free time without much financial return.

"Although I receive a small honorarium, I drive over 5,000 miles a year in my capacity as team manager. I will go anywhere in Hampshire to look at a bowler if I think he has the ability to be in the team."