ANGRY residents have attacked plans to erect a 50ft mobile phone mast in their village.

One 2 One, the mobile phone company, wants to erect the mast feet away from a row of houses in Collins Lane Hursley, near Winchester. Technically the company does not need planning permission although Winchester City Council has to be consulted on siting and appearance of the mast.

Villagers only learned of the scheme on December 22 and must lodge any objections by next Tuesday.

They are worried about health implications of living so near to a mast.

Tony Sheath lives ten feet from the site. He is adamant it must never get off the ground. Tony, 62, an accountant, said: "I am absolutely devastated by this. My neighbour has two young children. I have got nine grandchildren who come and stay. No one can say whether these things are safe."

He added: "I want to be able to sit in my garden without this monstrous thing only feet away from me."

Concerned Otterbourne and Hursley councillor Peter Mason, said: "It is an absolutely ludicrous place to put it when there are plenty of other places nearby, such as farmers' fields."

Prospective Tory parliamentary candidate for Winchester Andrew Hayes has been angered by the manner in which the residents have been notified. He said: "I will be writing to the chairman of One 2 One.

"It is outrageous for them to be taking advantage of the Christmas period like this.

"I feel that it has been very sharp practice indeed by the company."

But a spokesman for One 2 One, Gordon Simmons, said: "We understand that putting up base stations in the middle of communities can sometimes cause concerns and we are keen to address those issues in an open and honest manner.

"Our base stations are safe and do not present a risk to the public. Under the Permitted Development Orders we have got to give 28 days' notice so that objections can be made and I have no reason to doubt that this was done."

Winchester MP Mark Oaten said: "We are running a campaign to get the law over mobile phone masts changed.

"We want to get the government to change the guidelines so that every single phone mast will require full planning permission.

"The loophole as it stands is a disgrace. People do not have the chance to object and the health considerations do not get fully considered. The law needs to be changed as soon as possible."