DETECTIVES have searched the home of a man found murdered and buried at a Hampshire woodland picnic site.

Police trying to solve the killing of Lee Horrell, 24, still want to hear from anyone who saw anything suspicious when walking in the Forest of Bere at any time since mid-November.

His body was found last Tuesday by a dog being walked by its owner at Upperford Copse, Heath Road, north of Wickham, near Fareham.

Detectives widened their search from the burial scene to Mr Horrell's home.

Police identified the body at the weekend, after launching a major incident with about 30 officers. The shallow grave containing the partly-exposed body is still being combed for clues after work was made easier for the search teams when the snow and hard ground melted.

The grave was at the popular picnic spot and close to footpaths used by many walkers.

A post mortem showed the victim suffered several wounds and died from either one major injury or from a combination of several.

Mr Horrell lived in a flat in Carter House, Queen Street, Portsea, Portsmouth. His family live in Portsmouth.

The inquiry has been taken over by Det Supt Steve Watts. Police said they were searching the flat to look for clues to Mr Horrell's life. Witnesses are asked to contact police on 0845 0454545.