MINING analyst and corporate finance specialist Euan Worthington is now a non-executive director of Hampshire mining company Twigg.

His 18-year experience in the City of London as mining analyst and corporate finance specialist, will bring a strong financial background to complement the technical skills of Twigg's directors. This is increasingly important as Twigg grows and moves towards securing third party financing for feasibility studies and development of its discoveries.

A geology graduate from King's College London, Mr Worthington spent three years in Zimbabwe and Namibia as a mine and exploration geologist, took his MSc in mineral production management from London's Royal School of Mines, then joined Hoare Govett in 1983 as mining analyst, moving to Shearson Lehman in 1985, to the International Mining Group at SG Warburg in 1988, becoming its executive director in 1995, to BZW in 1997, then became

director at ABN AMRO Corporate Finance in 1998, heading the

metals and mining team.

Mr Worthington has led teams or given mining advice in many major corporate finance projects including the 1993 sale of Anglo-American's international assets to Minorco, de-merger of Union Miniere from Societe Generale, privatisations of Outokumpu, Austria Metall and Cerro Matoso, Gencor's acquisition of Billiton from Shell, and refinancing of Thailand's Rayong copper smelter. He was also mining director on the team which raised US$630million for Mercury World Mining Trust in 1993, largest ever IPO in mining, also the biggest UK investment trust issue then.

The chartered engineer has direct experience in Tanzania on advising Sutton Resources with its 10 million ounce Bulyankhulu deposit, and in Africa through working with Falconbridge Gold on Zimbabwe projects and took part in structuring Zambia Copper Investments and its financing of the Konkola Deep project. He is a fellow of IMM Council and member of SMME.