PLANS for desperately-needed new flats in the centre of Winchester could get the go-ahead despite fierce opposition from neighbours.

Chalkband Estates Limited wants to build a block of eight flats on the site of an old 1930s property, recently used as a hairdressing salon, at Southgate Street.

But strong objections have been lodged by more than a dozen residents, as well as local businesses and the chamber of commerce.

The objectors claim the redevelopment of the existing property would be detrimental to the character of the area, leading to the loss of a commercial unit and would be too high.

The proprietors of the nearby Hotel du Vin have also complained that the development would lead to a loss of the view from some of their bedrooms and would have an adverse effect on their trade.

But in a report to city councillors, planning chiefs argue that the scheme should be approved, provided that the design of the building is carefully controlled.

Officers have stated in the report that the loss of view of the cathedral from the Hotel du Vin would be unfortunate.

But they continued: "The loss of view is unfortunate, and may have a detrimental effect upon the amenities of hotel customers, but no-one is entitled to a view and the site can successfully accommodate a higher building."

They emphasise that, in line with council policy, there is a great need for two and three-bedroom flats in the city centre area.

Officers have also stressed that the applicants have amended the original scheme by removing proposed balconies and conservatories, in a bid to prevent some of the overlooking problems which objectors had complained about.

The application is to be considered by the planning development control sub-committee next Thursday.