A GRANDAD from Basingstoke has been given a special award - after donating a staggering 106 pints of blood!

John Coleman - a retired microbiologist for beer company Guinness - was among the blood donors who were given special awards at a National Blood Service ceremony in London.

Martin Gorham, NBS chief executive and guest speaker, and James Stainer, an ex-aplastic anaemia patient who needed regular blood donors when he was undergoing treatment, presented 68-year-old Mr Coleman with a crystal decanter.

It was when he was 19 years old and in the Royal Air Force that Mr Coleman, of Mayfield Ridge, first gave blood.

He said: "There wasn't much publicity for it in those days and they came around the camp asking if any of us were interested in giving blood.

"I felt it was a good thing to do. It didn't cost me anything and it was a way of helping other people and giving something back to the health service."

Later, Mr Coleman gave blood at donation sessions held at his workplace.

"They used to give us a glass of Guinness but they aren't so keen on doing that now because of people going back to work after they've had a drink," he said.

Mr Coleman's wife, Hazel, a retired nurse, and daughter Carole also give blood regularly.

Since moving to Basingstoke four years ago, the grandfather of four has continued to travel to Middlesex four times a year to give blood.

At the awards ceremony, Mr Gorham said: "The difference blood donors make to the lives of others cannot be underestimated.

"Donors are real heroes and it gives me great pleasure to acknowledge their achievements personally and on behalf of patients and the National Blood Service."

Currently the National Blood Service has about three days stock of blood when ideally it should have five. Carlene Dias, national communications manager, said: "It's not a crisis but we do need more people to give blood.

"Demand is likely to rise in January because, with more Government cash, hospitals are carrying out more routine operations."

For more information about being a blood donor, call 0845 7711711 or visit the website www.blood.co.uk