Saints look set to be stars in stripes again next season, judging by the early response to the vote on the new kit.

The club have been overwhelmed by the reaction to the five shirt designs which were highlighted on Sky when they were unveiled at Wednesday's home game against Tottenham.

Three of them are traditional stripes in various guises, one is based on the old Monaco shirt as a tribute to glenn Hoddle and the other is red and white quarters, a throwback to the first kit worn by Saints in the FA Cup in 1891.

But fans have made it clear they do not like the idea of a revolutionary switch away from what they have been used to.

They booed the two non-striped shirts which are well behind in the early polls. The other three are pretty well even in the running.

Club retail development executive James McLaughlin said: "We did not want to give the fans just five sets of stripes.

"There is not a huge amount you can do to vary them and in any case people might have said it was unimaginative.

"We thought we would offer them a couple of different kits as an alternative but the early feedback is that fans don't want anything out of the ordinary.

"That is fine. It is their vote after all and of course it could change with another two and a half weeks until the January 13 closing date.

"The ones modelled by Jason Dodd and Dean Richards are probably slightly in the lead at the moment, with the one worn by Kevin Davies just behind. But the others have a bit of catching up to do.

"The team will wear whichever one is ultimately chosen by the fans and, with polling so tight, every vote counts."

You can register your preference through the Daily Echo or online at