Veronica Walker, will be dressing up to the nines for a freezing New Year dip in the Solent.

Veronica, 56, will be joined by her daughter Julie Binnington, who is 34, to plunge into the sea at Stokes Bay, Gosport, for the annual New Year's Day charity dip.

The pair are joining scores of other brave souls who will race into the sea for various causes.

Veronica and Julie plan to raise money for Macmillan Nurses, the cancer care service, motivated by the fact that two of their family were affected by the illness.

Mrs Walker, of Chantry Road, Gosport, survived breast cancer after treatment, and her husband Terry, 60, has a form of treatable but incurable bone cancer.

He had to give up his job as a bricklayer due to the treatment and might need help from Macmillan Nurses in the future.

Mrs Walker, who plans to run into the icy waters dressed in an evening dress, pearls, wig and tinsel, said: "I'm the lucky one. I came through cancer and lived. I have a long-term future, but so many people don't.

"My husband has to cope with cancer now and although he does have treatment, we can see the day when we will be grateful for the Macmillan Nurses. They are very helpful and caring people.''

The mass dip begins at midday outside the Gosport and Fareham Inshore Rescue Service lifeboat hut and anyone is free to join in just for fun or to raise money for a good cause.

Veronica Walker and Julie Binnington can be contacted with offers of sponsorship on 02392 582727.