A Milford couple who live in part of the former town workhouse plan to battle on to achieve their dream of a sun-trap conservatory.

April Cottage in Milford-on-Sea High Street is one of a terrace of pretty houses which 100 years ago were the last refuge for the local homeless and jobless.

Now the cottage is owned by Pauline and Richard Taylor, who want a UPVC conservatory to sit in and admire their secluded garden in comfort.

Their scheme was rejected in October by New Forest planning officers, who said the modern design and materials would make an unsympathetic impact on the historic cottage. But the Taylors say their listed home already has a modern extension with UPVC doors and windows, and the planned conservatory would fit in with the new part of their house.

They add that the conservatory would be shielded by their enclosed back garden and would not be visible from neighbouring properties.

A government planning inspector will now decide if the former workhouse can have a conservatory. Comments should be sent to the Planning Inspectorate, Tollgate House, Houlton Street, Bristol, by January 24.