HAMPSHIRE motorists can be driven to frustration in the coming months as the Highways Agency continues routine maintenance of the county's major roads.

The agency has unveiled its repairs schedule until March and roadworks look set to envelop Southampton.

Top of the list for upgrades is the M3.

From junction three, near Bracknell, to junction seven, past Basingstoke, acoustic barriers and repairs will cause various lane closures. Three lanes will be maintained each way during the day but there will be overnight closures.

However, despite the M3 being used by up to 150,000 vehicles a day, one Southampton delivery driver said it had not been a problem - "It's not been too bad to be honest, we've been more affected by the M27," he said. "It seems to be one set of roadworks after the other - but you get used to it.

The work on the M27 looks set to continue into 2001 with the Agency highlighting five areas in need.

Junctions seven and eight will have lighting installed between January and April.

From junctions eight to ten, there will be narrow lanes during the day with night closures and the occasional weekend closure of the A27. That work is supposed to be finished by the end of the month.

At the other end of the M27, junction two will have work done until the new year to increase its capacity, and money will be spent around the Chilworth links in January and February - meaning the hard shoulder will be closed.

Taxi driver Alan Coombs said the work until now had been well-managed. "I haven't really found it a problem," he said.

"There are six lanes going. All right, they are narrow and it's down to 50 (miles per hour), but I haven't had a problem.

"I think they've done a wonderful job, to be honest.

"I've never seen them work so quickly on a section of motorway anywhere in my life.

"The only problems on the M27 have been accidents and breakdowns."

He said the M3 would be the trouble spot when roadworks began.

"It will be horrendous," he said.

"If they even slow it down, it will be an absolute nightmare.

However, he said the worst work done on the M3 was that by "idiot" drivers.

"Around Woking, Bracknell and the next one at the M25 junction, you get them trying to make miraculous manoeuvres to get into the right lane they need to," he said.

The Automobile Association's spokeswoman for the South, Rebecca Rees, urged drivers to take care in the changed conditions.

"What we found has been that in the first few days of roadworks, there is absolute chaos and there are delays," Ms Rees said.

"Statistics show that if there are traffic cones on the road, the accident rate goes up one and a half times, so bear that in mind.

"Think about car-sharing and just things like making sure your car is alright. If you're stuck in a traffic jam, you're annoyed already. You don't need your car letting you down."

Other roads due for upgrades include the M271 - from Lordshill to Redbridge - where various lanes will be closed between January and February, and the A339, south of Newbury, where there will be traffic signals during off-peak periods. But the roadworks there are not due to start until September 2001.

For updates on maintenance call the Highways Agency Information Line on 08457 50 40 30 or visit the website at www.highways.co.uk