ADVERTISING and public relations firm Aylesworth Fleming says that employment issues are one of the key factors putting enormous strain on many families across the South Coast at this time of year.

"Unemployment was traditionally something that was largely associated with the North of England," says Mike Emsley, PR chief executive of the company. "While there is no doubt that the economy is in reasonable shape, sadly, our own region has been dealt a number of body blows in recent months and the fear of worse to come has made this an uncertain time for many families."

The national jobless total actually fell slightly in November but employment growth has levelled off.

Vosper Thornycroft, BAT, Wesley Jessen PBH at Hedge End, Eastleigh's rail works and Millflex at Winchester have all had worrying news about actual or potential loss of jobs published in the Echo and concerns have been expressed as to job implications if the New Forest has National Park status. It is feared that this could have a major impact on factory sites and the employment that would go with them.

"We must cultivate existing employers and try to accommodate new ones whenever possible as far as jobs in the area are concerned," warns Mr Emsley. "The additional stress at this time of year is well known but for those needing employment the worry is still there long after the decorations have been taken down. New opportunities are few and far between and within reason none of them must be missed."