SOUTHAMPTON-based motor cycle road racing team Chrysalis are set to move on up into the popular British Supercup 600 series next year.

The team, created by Swanwick racer Dave Morris and his wife Alison and continued by their sons Neil and Lee following the death of their parents last year, are already negotiationg with some of sport's leading manufacturers.

Two successful fund-raising events at Go-Karting for Fun in Gosport and strong local support from sponsors such as Ron Willis of Brenmar Electrical and Ron Simpson of SPC MotorCycles, have enabled the Morris brothers to start some serious negotiating for next season.

They have already created a strong reputation in their first year of running the Chrysalis team with a first and second in the Isle of Man Singles TT, and top six successes at big international venues like Spa and Assen.

Lee Morris said: "The team are looking to make a serious impact on the British Supercup series next year, as well as a continued effort on the 'Roads' circuits.

"We have had some firm support for next year from several of our current sponsors and we've also been given assurance from several manufacturers that we can rely on their support in 2001. All we need now is to find a financial backer for the season."

Neil added: "The foundations are in place and we're just waiting for the bricks and mortar. It all comes down to money really. We have much of it sorted for the year ahead, but without the injection of vital cash to the team, we will struggle to compete."