THEY didn't need unwrapping - but these new arrivals made this the best Christmas ever for their parents.

Fourteen Hampshire families welcomed a bundle of joy into their ranks on December 25.

Eight babies were born on Christmas Day at the Princess Anne Hospital in Southampton and another six made their first appearance at the Royal Hampshire County Hospital in Winchester.

For office cashier Heidi Mittoo it was a difficult labour - but definitely worth it.

The 29-year-old new mother, of High Street, Swaythling, Southampton, is hoping to go home later today with her, as yet unnamed, baby boy, who weighed in at 7lb 2oz at 1.37pm on Monday.

Husband Stifun, 32, a university research scientist, said of the couple's first child: "This is the best thing that could happen to anyone. He's gorgeous."

The arrival of Charlie Good came as a relief to mum Paula, of Lordswood, Southampton, after 13 hours in labour.

Husband Neil, 29, an engineer, said: "It was a great relief after all that time and we're grateful to Paula's mum, June Curtis, who was there during the birth."

Emma Vincent, 25, gave birth to her 7lb 9.5oz son Daniel at 6.14pm on Christmas Day in Winchester.

Emma, of London Road, Holybourne, near Alton, said: "He is a very quiet boy. It was over and done with quite quickly as I was only in labour for 11-and-a-half hours. It has been really good and all the midwives were great."

She added: "Someone told me that it would be the best day and the worst day of my life all in one and that is true."

Henrietta Verdon-Roe, 33, gave birth to her second daughter, 7lb 2oz Lucinda Eve.

But dad Lighton missed the event as he had to take care of the animals on their chicken farm at Sarisbury Green.

Henrietta said: "It all went fine, and she arrived on the day she was due.

"She is a very placid girl which we are quite grateful for as our first is a dynamo, but you never can tell."