PLANNERS have rejected proposals to enlarge a Hampshire pub, accusing the owners of trying to turn it into a hotel.

The Mortimer Arms at Romsey Road, Ower, near Romsey, had applied for planning permission to build a two-storey extension and a first floor addition.

The scheme included plans to increase the number of bedrooms from four to ten, and would have created ten jobs.

But the application was turned down by New Forest District Council.

A report to the planning development control committee said: "The proposals represent a significant change to the character and use of the business.

"They would in effect more than double the guest accommodation, changing it from a pub with ancillary rooms to something more of a hotel."

Councillors were addressed by Romsey Road resident Brian Fidler, whose house is next door to the pub.

He said: "This is a major proposal, not a minor extension.

"It's a move made for financial gain only and should not be allowed under any circumstances."

The application was supported by Forest North councillor David Scott.

He said: "The Mortimer Arms is a very old and well known public house which makes a strong contribution to the local economy.

"What's being proposed is a very modest application, which should be approved with conditions."

But the scheme was opposed by New Milton member Ben Earwicker.

He said: "The pub is trying to turn itself into a hotel. The affect on the neighbourhood would be a serious one."

The application was rejected by nine votes to seven.