DEAN RICHARDS is determined to make Tottenham pay for the worst beating of his football career.

Last season's 7-2 thumping at White Hart Lane was the heaviest defeat the Saints defender has ever suffered, and he wants revenge.

Tonight's clash at The Dell will be the first time the teams have met since that March mauling and Richards is painfully aware that the goals will be repeated on Sky, who are screening the game live.

He said: "It was the most embarrassing moment of my football career and I have never seen Glenn Hoddle as livid as he was that day. He was really angry in the dressing room.

"Without doubt it was the biggest score I have ever been on the wrong end of, and it would be nice to get it out of our system.

"It still hurts me and the same goes for everyone else who played in that match. It badly dented our pride and we want to show we are better than that, especially as tonight's match is live on television.

"We want to make sure we do not let ourselves down with millions of people watching."

Despite the massive margin of defeat, Richards is adamant that his side did not play that badly and could even have won the game, especially if Marian Pahars had buried a one-on-one with Saints 2-1 up.

He added: "It was really weird because we played well early on and took the lead twice.

"Then Mark Hughes went off with a bad cut for 10 minutes and by the time he came back we were 4-2 down.

"The lads just sat in the dressing room in disbelief that we were losing the game at all. It was one of those games where everything they hit went in.

"It was certainly a day to forget - but also one to remember as we run out tonight. We must use it as an inspiration.

"We know we did not do ourselves justice at White Hart Lane, but we played well against Spurs here last season and were unlucky to lose to a late goal.

"We must go one better tonight and make sure we get the win. We have two home games in four days now which is a big chance to move up into mid-table.

"If we win both it can have a big knock-on effect on our season going into the New Year. Above all, we must make sure we are not dragged back into the relegation battle."