SAINTS will stage a special strip show at tonight's sell-out home game against Tottenham as they unveil five possible new shirts for next season.

The club have come up with a series of designs and the fans will get the final say in a special vote run in conjunction with the Daily Echo.

Featured are the five choices which are being unveiled today at the Saints Store in the WestQuay Centre to coincide with the first day of their New Year Sale.

They have been modelled by Kevin Davies, Dean Richards, Jason Dodd, Tahar El Khalej and Wayne Bridge who are all as eager as the fans to know which one will be picked.

Skipper Dodd said: "It is obvious that the one I am wearing will win - because it has the best model so it is bound to look good!

"Seriously though, I do like it although there are some interesting choices. I think the fans will probably stick with stripes but it is going to be a tough decision."

Davies also opted for the one worn by Dodd saying: "The fact Doddsy is wearing it might put a few off but I like it. I'm not too keen on the quarters, though."

But lifelong Saints fan Wayne Bridge was taken by the historical element to the squared kit saying: "I think it is really smart and it will appeal to traditionalists who are happy to see the club returning to its roots.

"I think it will be between this one and the traditional stripes which Doddsy is wearing. That has the best collar."

Framed versions will be displayed in the shop and they will be modelled by youth team players at tonight's match to give supporters a chance to see them close-up.

You then have until January 13 to register your choice by filling in the coupon in tonight's Echo or one of the special voting forms available from The Dell or the visitor centre at the Friends Provident St Mary's Stadium.

Alternatively you can register your selection on-line at And all those who vote will be entered into a special draw to stand a chance to win a totally unique prize - a Saints shirt that never was!

The four shirts which are not picked will be given away in a fun competition as a one-off souvenir.

No-one else will have one of these as the shirts will never be mass produced. They are prototypes which cannot be bought anywhere.

What's more, they will be framed and signed by all the players to make them a truly unique and highly-prized collectors' item.

Simply mark your choice for the new kit and hope that you are picked out to win one of the shirts Saints never wore

* Special voting form on page 39 of today's Southern Daily Echo.