Eastleigh council has posted a 14.8 per cent improvement in the number of planning applications decided within the government's eight-weeks target period.

And Eastleigh has won plaudits from planning minister Nick Raynsford for being one of 57 councils whose performances had improved this year.

Speaking at a national conference in London, he said: "It is good to see that the number of improvers is up - 57 now, compared with 46 last year. And these improvers seem to be coping despite a greater burden of work."

From September 1999 to September 2000 Eastleigh determined 1,157 applications within eight weeks representing 67.3 per cent of all applications received. This compared to a figure of 64.3 per cent for the same period in 1998/99.

The figures were compiled by the Department of the Environment Transport and the Regions (DETR).

Earlier this year analysis of almost 150 people who had used the council's planning services between April and June showed that 79 per cent were satisfied with the service they received.

Council leader Keith House said: "East-leigh has one of the region's busiest development control services, based on a growing economy and householders seeking to improve their homes.

"It is good to get national recognition that our service is improving, alongside local support for the quality of the service we provide. Eastleigh has a planning team the borough can be proud of."