MEDICS at Southampton General Hospital are celebrating a windfall of £1.6 million to complete the transformation of the casualty department.

The surprise gift from the Department of Health will pay for a dedicated X-ray area and an observation ward, which will help improve the quality and speed of treatment.

It will also see the end of the "dreadful" waiting area, replacing it with separate rooms for children and adults, a new reception and children's play areas.

John Heyworth, senior consultant in accident and emergency, said: "We are absolutely delighted with the news.

"The department was built in the 1970s and it just wasn't big enough or good enough to cope with the increased number of patients.

"There will be some more disruption over the next few months while the work is carried out, but we should have a completely new department by the autumn.

"It's going to be superb."

The first phase of the A&E refurbishment started a year ago with the construction of a new resuscitation room, with three bays and state-of-the-art overhead X-ray machines.

Other improvements have included a new six-bay area for minor injuries and a new clinical area for children.

Two days before Christmas the department opened a new "stretcher area" for patients with major injuries.

Mr Heyworth said: "It has been difficult for staff to get through the last few months.

"It has been like working on a building site with all the noise and dust.

"But the staff have been fantastic, and the patients and relatives have also been very understanding.

"They're already starting to see the benefits."