Romsey has been shocked and saddened by the sudden death on Tuesday of Dr John White.

His death, at the age of 66, came three weeks after he underwent a hip replacement operation.

Dr White arrived in Romsey in 1972 when he took up an appointment as consultant dermatologist at the Royal South Hampshire Hospital, Southampton.

From the moment he arrived in Romsey, Dr White threw himself wholeheartedly into community activities.

He was a founder member in 1974 of the conservation group, The Romsey and District Society, and its first chairman. The following year he helped to form Romsey and District Buildings Preservation Trust--an off-shoot of the society. As a medical student at St Thomas's, he had been a rugby player and this interest continued in later life. Since 1987 he had been president of Romsey Rugby Union Football Club. As a boy he was a Sea Scout and developed a life-long interest in sailing, for many years competing at Cowes with friends and family.

He was a keen supporter of Romsey Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society, helping with their fund-raising. A member of Romsey Conservative Association, he served as a town councillor between 1983 and 1991.

But John White will be best remembered for his role in setting up the Romsey Hospital Appeal--a project which occupied the last three years of his life. During that time he was its hardworking and enthusiastic chairman. By last week the appeal had amounted to an impressive £836,000.

A familiar sight as he cycled round the town, he would hail his many friends, his progress slowed as he stopped for frequent chats.

"He was a great networker and at a party he would go all around the room talking to everyone," said his son, Tom. "He loved his job as a dermatologist but for him one of the best parts was that he met people from all walks of life. He loved finding out about them and what made them tick."

His wife, Grace, said: "He loved Romsey and everything that went on in it and he liked to be friends with everybody." A devoted family man, Dr White is survived by his wife Grace, his son Tom and grandchildren Richard, Lucy and Sam.

A thanksgiving service is to be held in Romsey Abbey on Saturday, January 13th at 2pm.