Over-indulged this Christmas? Who hasn't! But if you find that you frequently suffer severe heartburn you may benefit from a new prescription drug called Nexium.

There is also a group of medicines called H2 antagonists (such as Tagamet and Pepcid) which reduce acid production and offer lasting relief. Occasional sufferers, however, should still opt for over-the-counter antacids.

* Many of us have known the social benefits of beer-drinking for a while, but now it appears it can be good for health as well. Especially, it seems, the dark varieties like ales and stouts which may offer protection against eye disease, according to researchers in Canada. They discovered that the beer contains anti-oxidant chemicals which might help protect the eye against damage caused by diabetes and that just one drink a day may even contribute to a lower risk of cataracts.

* The delicious avocado is known to contain vital nutrients that are good for our health, but it may also have a powerful ability to protect the liver, researchers discovered recently. It contains a number of compounds which could prevent damage caused by poisons and viruses and emerged as the most liver-friendly of 22 different fruits tested by scientists in Japan.

* People who are worried about heart disease could benefit from taking two vitamin supplements, although doctors haven't yet worked out exactly how much difference they will make. Folic acid and vitamin B12 have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, and a new study, by the University of Michigan, says there is enough evidence to make it worthwhile taking them.

* An Alzheimer's disease vaccine may soon be tested on humans after laboratory studies at the University of Toronto, Canada, showed it enabled mice with a similar disease to retain their mental functions.

The treatment involves vaccinating the patient with amyloid beta peptides - the protein fragments that accumulate in the brain of diseased patients and damage brain cells.