GLENN HODDLE wants Southampton to get just what they deserve as he seeks revenge against his former club Tottenham Hotspur in tonight's televised clash at The Dell.

Hoddle was only six weeks into his reign as Saints boss in March when his side were on the end of a 7-2 mauling at White Hart Lane - despite leading twice.

But he is more concerned that his team, still be too close to the Premiership relegation zone for their own comfort, start to get tangible rewards for their performances.

Hoddle said: "We could be in a frightening position if we had picked up all the points we were due for the way we have played.

"We are not getting our just rewards at the moment. We should really be out of the relegation zone and looking at other things. Maybe the best is still to come.

"But we will keep working away and I can take consolation from the fact that if we keep playing the way we are then we will be fine."

As for the mauling at White Hart Lane, Hoddle said: "That's history, as is Friday's game at Coventry, and now we are looking to pick up six points from the two home games with Spurs and then Derby on Saturday.

"The point we got at Coventry will only be a good point if we can win these games. If that happens then we can go to Liverpool on New Year's Day with plenty of confidence.

Hoddle does not believe that the off-the-field changes at Tottenham, which has culminated in Alan Sugar's decision to step down as chairman, will affect the players.

As for reports linking him with an eventual return to White Hart Lane as manager, Hoddle said: "It's paper talk, nothing more than that."

Hoddle is hoping striker Marian Pahars will return.