IF YOU had to cast former TV prankster Jeremy Beadle in a pantomime, surely it would be as the chief baddie.

After all, he's got the beard - or did have, the last time I checked - and the mischievous-stroke-evil sense of humour (just ask the dozens of victims of Beadle's About, the Eighties British version of Candid Camera). All he needs is a swish-able black cloak and some Alvin Stardust-style leather gloves and you've got the perfect Abanazar.

But shock horror, the villainous role in Aladdin, this year's pantomime at the Pavilion Theatre in Bournemouth - has gone to Gareth Hunt, that nice man from The New Avengers and the coffee ads.

Beadle, still dogged by the "chuckling dwarf" image he created in a string of hit prime-time TV series, appears as the rather more likeable Wishee Washee.

This must have come as something of a pleasant surprise to Beadle, who has endured years of abuse even though he is a perfectly affable family man in real life.

Despite being the presenter on so many successful TV shows, including Game for a Laugh, People Do the Funniest Things and You've Been Framed, Beadle prefers to describe himself as a writer and director.

He has produced several reference books with an American co-writer and wrote for stars like Kenny Everett, Noel Edmonds and Bernard Manning, in his early days.

Beadle confesses: "I don't care what people say and write about me. Reviews tell me more about the reviewer than the show."

Starring alongside Beadle in the show are Gareth Hunt as Abanazar, Barry Howard (of Hi-de-Hi fame) as Widow Twankey and Hilary O'Neil as Aladdin. Acrobatic antics are provided by The Acromaniacs.

Aladdin is on at the Pavilion Theatre, Bournemouth, until January 7. Tickets cost from £12.50.

n For more information, call the box office on 01202 456456.

For a full interview with Jeremy Beadle, see the Daily Echo Magazine on January 6.

Andrew White

Aladdin, Pavilion Theatre, Bournemouth, until January 7