SANTA was a special guest as staff and pupils at the Basingstoke school gutted by fire in a suspected arson attack celebrated the last day of term.

Beech Down Primary - which was left with only two school rooms standing following the dramatic blaze last month - saw not only Santa but Southampton Football Club handing out presents to pupils.

Santa turned up on Wednesday morning to give out donated presents from businesses in The Walks while at the same time Southampton FC academy director John Sainty was presenting the school team with the club's away strip.

Since the fire, the Brighton Hill school has been offered help from businesses around the borough, given tickets for a Basingstoke Bison match as well as a Portsmouth FC match and invited to a performance of Jungle Book at the Haymarket theatre.

Wednesday marked the final day of what has been a turbulent month for the school.

Headteacher Ann Macdonald said: "Everyone has worked extremely hard getting things set up after the fire, and it's fair to say we all need the rest now.

"We have so many people to thank, but we do need to say a particular thank you to the parents. They have been brilliant and so supportive."

Unfortunately, the school was targeted by thieves last Monday when raiders broke open a door to one of the remaining school rooms at Beech Down Primary and stole several boxes containing plastic dinner trays.

Despite the break-in, Wednesday was definitely a time of Christmas smiles.

Early years teacher Vicky Proctor said: "This Christmas has certainly been different, but it's been lovely for people to donate so much."