A HAMPSHIRE helpline is preparing for Christmas calls from stressed out families.

Thousands of parents will be dealing with more than indigestion as growing numbers face conflicting demands where parents have separated or formed a new stepfamily.

Parentline Plus in Hampshire is launching a Christmas campaign to highlight the difficulties.

The charity is expecting a number of calls to its helpline from stepparents, some of whom will be trying to find their way through a minefield of tensions. Others will be separated parents struggling to visit their children.

Each year Parentline Plus is contacted by over 100,000 parents, stepparents and carers wanting help and information.

Lorraine Tate of Parentline Plus in Hampshire said: "All families have problems from time to time but Christmas can make things worse, particularly for people in stepfamilies.

"It can seem that you have so many demands and expectations placed on you - from children and wider family - yet it's virtually impossible to please everybody all the time.

"This Christmas we want to let people know loud and clear you're not alone and there is somewhere you can call if it starts to get too much."

Parentline Plus is launching a Christmas Stressbuster campaign, including a free helpline on 0808 8002222 and a website with helpful hints at www.parentlineplus.org.uk.