SEVERAL witnesses may be able to help police catch the man who indecently assaulted a young woman in Andover in the early hours of Sunday morning.

The 17-year-old was assaulted as she walking home along Winchester Road at around 2.15am. Police say the attack took place quite close to the junction of Winchester Road and Humberstone Road.

"A man grabbed her from behind and indecently assaulted her," said Det Sgt Paul Taylor.

"She managed to scream and kicked the offender who then ran off in the direction of Andover town centre.

"The woman, who was shocked and upset by the incident, then made her way home and the police were called."

The man police are looking for is white, 5ft 10ins tall, with dark cropped hair. At the time of the assault he was wearing a dark green fleece jacket.

"We are keen to speak to some people who may be able to assist us with our inquiries," said Det Sgt Taylor.

"In particular, we would like to speak to three people, two men and a women, who are not English but could be from a Mediterranean country.

"They were seen to walk to the Old Winton Road.

"We would also like to speak to a man seen outside the South-ampton Arms in Winchester Road as the girl walked past.

"Incidents like this are thankfully quite rare in Andover but obviously we would encourage all women walking home late at night to be aware of their own personal safety."

Anyone with information should contact Andover CID on 0845 045 45 45.