Southampton solicitors Trethowans is planning to raise money for one of the South's leading medical research charities, Hope.

The legal firm has adopted Hope as its charity for the coming year.

The staff intend to raise as much money as they can to help fund research into finding a vaccine for the meningitis B virus. The B strain kills more young people than the C strain of the virus.

Meningitis B can strike anyone at any age but is more prevalent in young people. As many as five to ten per cent of victims die even when they receive prompt treatment. Professor John Heckels, from Southampton Universities School of Medicine, is leading the three-year research project.

The money raised by Trethowans will buy a laboratory refrigerator and a benchtop centrifuge for preparation of samples.

Miles Brown from Trethowans said: "We are pleased to be involved in fund raising for Hope and in particular for meningitis B.

"This is an extremely worthwhile cause and we would like to think that our involvement could help to find a vaccine that will help to save lives."

The fundraising efforts of Tre-thowans includes a dress down day, a rowing competition, a cycling event and a skittles evening.