POLICE are hunting a Grinch-type character who is wrecking Christmas decorations in Alresford.

A vandal has targeted eight outdoor Christmas lights in gardens in the town since Sunday.

Police confirmed that lights in several roads including Orchard Close, Tichborne Down, Fairview, Spring Way and Meryon Road had been hit.

The spree conjures up comparisons with the new film, The Grinch, starring Jim Carrey, about a character who hates the festive season and tries to ruin it for others.

A police spokesman said: "How miserable can you get? It is a bit like The Grinch."

Acting Sgt Colin Bulpett, of Alresford police, said he believed three youths were responsible.

Patrols will be stepped up and the local Neighbourhood Watch groups will be alerted, he said.

One victim, Lynne Andrews, of Tichborne Down, said: "It is so mindless, it is totally destructive. It upset me as the lights were a pre-Christmas present from my son, Ross.

"We have a lovely Blue Spruce tree and the twinkling lights were very pretty. Lots of people have said how pretty they were. Having them cut came as rather a shock.

"My husband Scott wants to go out and replace them. But I am not going to give anybody the opportunity to do it twice."