A HUGE rise in the amount of sexually transmitted disease in Basingstoke has prompted local medical experts to urge reckless revellers to practise safe sex over the festive season.

The genito-urinary clinic at Basingstoke hospital has reported a 300 per cent rise in gonorrhoea cases this year, along with significant increases in chlamydia and genital warts.

In 1999 there were 13 cases of gonorrhoea where so far there have been 40 cases. Chlamydia infection is up by 20 per cent from 182 cases in 1999.

Julia Peberdy, the clinic's health adviser, told The Gazette that revellers must use condoms.

She said: "Using a condom can stop a whole host of infections. It is important those in new or casual relationships adhere to safe sex practices. Christmas and New Year's Eve parties usually involve the odd drink or two which can play a significant role in the failure to use safe sex practices."

Figures from the clinic show the biggest increase in sexual infection is in the 16 to 25 age group.

HIV training co-ordinator Stephen Day said it was clear people were starting to have sex at a younger age and increasing their risk by having more partners.

He said: "It seems part and parcel of the age we are in."

But, he said, Basingstoke is not unique and mirrors the increases in infection seen elsewhere.

He said chlamydia often shows no symptoms at first - sometimes for up to a year - but can lead to infertility and pelvic pain if not treated.