A LITTLE girl rode into school on her pony to say a festive "thank you'' to her classmates for helping her get through 16 weeks in hospital.

Francesca Torrington, ten, was supported by her concerned Hampshire schoolmates who sent messages to her bedside.

While at school, she earned special good behaviour points to make everyone flapjacks, but decided to give them an extra special treat by sharing her pony Tiny Boy, with them.

Francesca helped her mother Elaine, 37, of Curdridge, near Fareham, dress Tiny Boy in antlers, red nose and a tinsel-plaited mane and sprayed his hoofs gold. He also wore a coat of colourful rug coat and cotton wool and bandages on his legs.

Francesca enjoyed seeing her classmates from Curdridge Primary School happily crowding round the pony.

Her mother said: "There's nothing Francesca is devoted to in this world more than her pony. So when she wanted to do something special to say thanks there was no option but to have him involved.

"It's great to see all the children smile so much. Francesca hasn't had a lot to smile about recently. But the school and the children were so kind to her. They sent her loads of cards they made themselves with lovely messages in. It helped boost her moral because it's very hard for a youngster to cope with inactivity.''

The confinement in hospital was especially hard for Francesca because she was born with severe behavioural problems. She also has diabetes and was given a brain scan for a suspected tumour. Her family is still awaiting the results.

Mrs Torrington said: "When Francesca is good she is adorable, but when she misbehaves, through no fault of her own, she can be uncontrollable. The hospital stay reduced the need for medication and her behaviour has improved.

"But she's a very kind girl and wanted to show how much she appreciated the kindness.''