A BOILING kettle sparked an alarm at the highest fire risk premises in the area yesterday.

Two fire crews were sent to the Ministry of Defence munitions depot, the powder keg of the Royal Navy fleet, on the A32 at Gosport.

The alert came when an office worker put on a kettle for his morning cuppa and left it to boil.

When he returned he was surprised to discover the depot security and fire fighting team isolating the office and colleagues being evacuated.

Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service discovered the false alarm and de-activated the sophisticated alarm system.

The ammunition depot staff assured the fire crews they would address the problem of accidentally tripping the alarm.

A fire brigade spokesman said: "This was only a false alarm, but showed the systems work very well. However, the base will be looking at how to avoid this happening again.

"We have to be extra careful and there are systems in place to deal with premises with the highest fire risk rating in the Portsmouth area. It is the munitions centre of the Navy and the other armed forces. Everything has to be taken seriously with such explosive materials stored there.''