HAMPSHIRE MEP Roy Perry has called on Trade and Industry Secretary Stephen Byers to come to Southampton and visit the threatened British American Tobacco factory.

After meeting managers and workers and the Southampton plant earlier this week, Mr Perry, pictured, has written to Mr Byers calling on him to explain the government's position face-to-face.

Mr Perry said: "He owes it to the workers and people whose livelihoods depend on the factory to come down here and see the situation for himself."

Last week, MEPs voted to ban EU factories from manufacturing cigarettes containing over 10mg of tar.

Managers and unions at the Millbrook plant fear if the directive becomes law the factory which employs 1,200 people will have to close.

The plant is under threat because the majority of cigarettes made there are exported to the Far East where customers prefer a stronger smoke.

The firm's economic impact survey reveals an estimated 991 local service businesses - involving around 8 ,600 jobs - rely on the plant for crucial sales revenue.

In total the BAT site generates an estimated £70 million a year for the local economy in Southampton.

The European Directive on Tobacco Control will go forward for further consultation and must be passed by all EU governments before it can become law.